Thursday, 14 July 2011

How to make banga soup

In Nigeria, banga (palm nut) soup cuisine is more commonly enjoyed by the people of Delta State, especially the urhobos and itsekiris, who call it amiedi and obey-ekpo respectively.

Banga is a soup made from the sauce squeezed from palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis) The palm oil in banga soup is very rich in magnesium, vitamins E ,K and A and its cholesterol free. It aldo contains natural oxidants that protect against cancer, lowers your cholesterol level there by preventing heart diseases.

How to prepare banga soup (palm nut soup)

500g Assorted parts of meat
225g stockfish (pre-soaked)
225g bush meat (washed)
1kg oil-palm nuts
225g ground crayfish
1pt stock or water
225g Okro (sliced)
100g ground pepper
1 onion (sliced)
salt to taste

Place the washed meat in a large pot, add a drop of water or stock season with salt and ground pepper and boil for 30 minutes or until tender.

Add the smoked fish and stockfish, cook for another 10 minutes. Prepare the oil-palm nut to extract the oil by boiling the washed nuts for 20 minutes until soft. Remove from water and pound to remove the oil. Pass through a sieve to separate the kernels from the chaff. Pour the strained pulp into the meat together with the sliced peppers onions' tomatoes puree and Okro. Sprinkle in the crayfish and cook for 15minutes until the soup is fairly reduced and thickened to coat the back of spoon. Check seasoning and serve with pounded yam (Iyan) or Usin/Egun obobo (starch & plantain pudding).

NOTE: Fresh fish crayfish and shrimps could be used instead of meat with a small amount of ground egusi (melon seeds) added instead of Okro. Freshly washed bitter leaf could also be added

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